
for japan with love

Bloggers Day of Silence:

Anyone that has a blog can help out with this one.
The aim is just raise awareness and respect and acknowledge the devastation going on in Japan.
The guidelines are simple.
1.  This coming Friday, March 18th, no posts at all on your blog.
2.  Please post a blog post about what you will be doing this Friday whenever possible in hopes to spread the word and whoever else would like to join in. You  can check out what Lydia of Ever-Ours did for her’s here or how UtterlyEngaged did their here and do it your way if you’d like.  
3. Tweet and Re-Tweet the shiznit out of the link to http://www.forjapanwithlove.com Whatever anyone can contribute will be appreciated.
Every little helps.
If you have a blog you may join us (here are details) and if you’d like to donate, click here.
keeping it quiet for a day

Boris Ščitar/PIXSELL
Daniel Kasap/PIXSELL


  1. It's so sad... tragedy ... May God bless and help all of those who need it... We pray for you!

  2. Najezim se svaki put kad ih se sjetim...nadam se da ce im se brzo pomoci...

  3. love it!!!
    this style is super..=P
    you´re great

