
disturbing content/barbie gone wild

"My first picture with Barbie was actually of her committing suicide in the tub, after Ken had dumped her for another man — my wishful thinking on the end of evil influence. I’m not sure why it ended up being Barbie killing Ken, if I am to be honest — I think it’s because I find it really damn funny. Behind the vacuous perpetual lipsticked-smile and soulless eyes lurks the black heart of the true sociopath, just like in real life. I think it finally makes the doll interesting, and I like that contrast between saccharine sweet and pure malevolence."

"I’m not out to send a message. I’m just out to have a bit of fun and share it with others."


  1. eto šta ti je inspiracija!:)

  2. videla sam ovo, htedoh i ja da napisem koji post :) strava je!

  3. Jaooo, pa ovo je PREbolesno! :))Hhaha,ali važno je da je barbi ipak tip-top i sa osmehom na licu šta god da radi:)

  4. Hahahahah ovo je zakon!!! :D nisu ni barbike baš tako dobre kekeke

  5. uznemirujuće :D ali kul ;)

  6. hahaha, nisam još ovo vidla... baš genijalno!

  7. Kako je morbidno...ali skroz ludo ;)!

  8. HAhahah! Meni je ovo prefunny! M.

  9. haha mrzim kada ovo rade jadnoj maloj barbie
    mislim simpa je, al ja stajem u odbranu barbie
    svako kad bi da se napravi pametan udri odma po njoj no no no

  10. Mogu misliti kako je pogodilo Jelenu K...Nasu Barbie..:)
    Cool su slike..nema sta:))
    Mozes li da mi posaljes svoj mail na:radojicicjovana@yahoo.com ,jer ne vidim tvoj kontakt,pitla bih te nesto.:)
    Pozdrav J.
