
I spy: SimoneDesign

znači ovako, cura se zove sanja i od kože radi prava mala umjetnička djela. zapazila sam ju prvo ma kolegici s posla, a zatim pronašla njezinu facebook stranicu.
u jednom od svojih prvih postova, dok sam još smišljala layout i tako to, pisala sam o prekrasnim narukvicama, pa evo sad poštenog posta o narukvicama ( i torbicama). btw, ja sam čovjek od narukvice, ako mi nije na ruci,najbolje da i ne izlazim iz kuće :D
uživajte u prekrasnim uratcima od kože.
in one of my first posts, when i was still trying to find the best layout, i wrote about some not so ordinary fashion garments which blew out my mind. im doing it again now :D
her name is Sanja and she makes the most beautiful bracelets ive ever seen and wore. just to let you know, im crazy about bracelets. i can go out without everything, but with no bracelet, i feel naked :D
they are all made of leather and feel great on skin and look fabulous and eye-catching 
you can find her on Facebook HERE .

p.s. ovo je moja krasotica, uskoro u u outfit postu :D
p.s. this one is in my possesion, soon in an outfit post :D

 hm. torbice. posebna ljubav. imam ih u svim bojama i oblicim no na kraju obično nosim samo jednu. uskoro sve o mojoj mezimici :D
ipak, fali mi jedna od ovih ljepotica

ok, other than the bracelets, always enjoy great bag. i have them in all colors and styles but usually end up wearing just one (have problem with packing from one bag to another). still havent added one of these beauties to my collection, but sure will.
hot, right?


  1. I LOVE the clutched! They're fantastic! And also the bracelets are really cool! I like it edgy! The one you have is great!!

    I really like your style! you have a great blog! Im gonna follow you! Hope you follow me back?


  2. Beautiful! Love that last grey bracelet!!

  3. aww pretty! Do you like fashion blogs with outfits and trends? I think you could check on my blog and feel free to follow me, I would love if we could follow each other, ohh and if you have twitter you can add me too or facebook . I would be so glad.
    ♥, Jo

  4. wow i love the 2nd one and the gold one !

  5. vau,cura je stvarno talentirana.Narukvice su mi super!! <3
