

i love to buy and see on others, of course, fashionable things not seen befere. Do u know what i mean? I dont like when everybody crazes on an item, even thou i am aware its an everyday thing. of course we all want same stuff. that is why these things are so great. but, then, there are things that are unique. hand-made. when u buy it, you know that you would not see anybody else with the same fashionable garment.
i like that kind of things. and i like stores that promote young designers.
today i represent Fiju-Fiju Gallery at Teslina 7 in Zagreb, Croatia. You can find them on Facebook as well.


handmade jewlery,fijufiju earings,fijufiju galerija


ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

ring,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery


bracelet,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

bracelet,fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery

fijufiju galerija,handmade jewlery


  1. Hoćemo outfit post!!! :)
    Zanimljivi radovi,sviđaju mi se!

  2. Izgleda kao da je zbilja puno truda uloženo u to pa mi se zato i sviđa, iako osobno ne bih takvo što nosila, više sam minimalist pa mi je ovo pomalo too much :)
